Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I am not solely sex appeal

I'd like to think that I encompass more than one adjective. That there is more to me than being female, or ethnic, or middle class. That I am more than ugly or pretty. That my face and body can be utilized for more purposes than sex. But, culture likes to focus on one aspect of a person, especially if that person is female. And, for women who have the mixed bag of problems that are associated with conventional prettiness, any moment in which that woman does not "live up to her potential" is a slight against humanity.

I revel in my ability to make some of the most horrific faces that people have ever seen. And, while plenty of people find it funny, plenty of people wonder hy I would even be seen making the face at all. While the face would be disturbing on anyone, there seems to be a lot of upset over making an unattractive face while female. Because a woman being slap-stick funny endangers her sex appeal, and our culture spends most of it's advertising dollars trying to convince women they must be sexy at all times. I am wearily awaiting the day when there's a product to erase wrinkles on our faces while excreting.

And, there seems to be a much bigger issue at hand in females being funny in general. For any semi-well-read feminist knows that female comedians are often put down and cruelly described from within comedy as well as outside. I for one, have had enough. I say women should enjoy their ugly moments as much as they do their sexy/pretty. An ugly face can be just as moving as a sexy one.

Get your game faces on ladies.

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